Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Discuss Look and Feel of Capstone

1.) Will your presentation use comedy and humor or is it serious?
     I might try to add some humor based on the things that I've come across on pro-eating disorder websites or profiles on social networking sites like Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram, but for the most part it will be serious.

2.) What colors, fonts, design layouts, graphs, photographs and other imagery are appropriate for the topic?
Colors: black, grey, royal blue, and purple (guys can have eating disorders too, so I didn't want girly colors)
Fonts: Hyperspace (for titles; it's a techno font which goes well with my project since it also deals with social media)
Graphs: statistics pertaining to the prevalence of eating disorders
Photographs: "thinspiration"
Design Layouts: something professional and organized

3.) How is your site, video, and print material persuasive?

4.) Post support materials.

5.) How do you make your point of view understood?
     I will use research to support my point of view and real life experiences that most people could relate to.

6.) I'm intending to create a petition for to get social networking sites to do a better job of blocking access to pro-eating disorder material on their sites and creating a pamphlet and website that can direct people to social media websites that can aid in their recovery (ex:,, and   


Capstone Project Statement of Intent

1.) Identify the goals of the project
     The goal of my project is to have social media act as a preventive measure against eating disorders as opposed to being a destructive entity that exacerbates the problem or causes an eating disorder to develop.

2.) Why is it important and why should we care?
     Acts of self-harm, from cutting to eating disorders, used to be something that people kept to themselves. With the invention of the Internet, particularly social media, people are now using social networking platforms to connect with others who are suffering as well. The problem is that although they now have someone they can talk to, these relationships are not healthy because they do not focus on overcoming eating disorders. In addition, the images and diets that promote eating disorders are also detrimental. Essentially social media does have the power to be constructive, b

3.) How do these goals fit with your career objectives?
     I plan on attending medical school, but I have not yet decided on what I would like my specialty to be. One of the specialties that I am interested in is psychiatry. Eating disorders relate to psychiatry because it is a mental illness.

4.) How does your project give back to society?
     If social media were to be able to instead be used as a constructive force it could help those who feel as though they cannot tell anyone else what they are going through and also those who cannot necessarily afford to get counseling.

Building whole people, whole organizations, and whole communities